P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA, 19081-- brandywine@juno.com (610) 544-1818

Peace in Space, Peace on Earth Demonstration - Saturday, October 4, 1pm - 3pm

Stop Lockheed Martin and the Militarization of Space - Join us in Valley Forge/King of Prussia, Pennsylvania (behind the King of Prussia Mall) in front of the Lockheed Martin weapons complex, Mall & Goddard Boulevard. 

Each year the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space organizes Keep Space for Peace Week: International Days of Protest against the Militarization and Nuclearization of Space. This year Keep Space for Peace Week is observed from October 4 - 12 with protest at military bases and weapons corporations, as well as educational events internationally.  Keep Space for Peace Week strives to expose the deadly, destabilizing arms race in space already well underway and to halt the arms race in the heavens. The U.S. has long said it intends to 'control and dominate' space and 'deny' other nations access to space, giving the U.S. the ability to dominate Earth from Space. As the U.S. and NATO move eastward to militarily surround Russia with anti-ballistic missile weaponry ("Star Wars" technology) and other missile systems, we see the emergence of a new Cold War and the threat of nuclear war.

Lockheed Martin sits atop the multi-billion dollar U.S. industry seeking to fully miltarize and dominate space for the sake war-fighting empire on earth.

October 4 - 12, 2008      
Stop the Militarization of Space!
Stop U.S. First-Strike Star Wars Deployments!
Convert the Military Industrial Complex!
Fund Human Needs!
The list of Keep Space for Peace Week protest sites is regularly updated.
Check their website: www.space4peace.org

The Big 4 " Star Wars" Missile Defense Contractors: Who Makes What?

Lockheed Martin



Northrop Grumman

By virtue of its December 2002 purchase of TRW, Northrop Grumman has become a major player in missile defense.

Projects include:
